Monday, June 1, 2009

Our Society and our Romance

We live our lives as individuals. Individuals have distinguished characters, have certain unique traits,the way they live, the way they dress, the way the think and the way they see life. I think that the way we are made, god made us self sufficient. Thanks to modern India, all of us have education and employment and we can get ourselves our bread. Even if civilization did not exist, we could have hunted ourselves food and taken care of our daily needs. But, even though we are fully equipped to take care of what we need for existence, we cannot do everything. We cannot live isolated. Being a sanyasi is rocket science to me, but all of us have the need of a family. A mother and a father to take care of us and nurture us, friends and family to share our lives with. But really, we cannot exist, without our maids who cooks, cleans and does the household chores, we cannot ive without an automobile mechanic who can take care of our vehicle, we cannot live without a banker to manage our finances with. Can you imagine being a toilet cleaner, a shoe polisher, a maid, a banker, a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer, a pilot, a mechanic and everything else, all at the same time? Here we have a society. Fulfillment comes with bits and pieces of this job and that put together. We need everyone of us here. Everyone is important. It is not just about us, Its about all of us making all of us. If the courier guy would not have been there, or there was no petrol pump dealer, we could never have been been possible.

Now, comes my second question. Why is it, that unlike all other beings that exist in parallel with us in this world, why is it that we are the ones prominent in having a prolonged association, a love and an affection directed at another particular individual of the opposite kind? If it was just for the propagation of the species, we could have been just like any other, just mating and be done with it. But its not like that(yes, I know people exist, but they are a kind of their own which I do not know much about, u better ask them!!), we feel the need for someone to share our lives with. It wasn't just society that needed to exist for us to have a complete framework for living. It is often said, that a person needs attachment with another person of the opposite sex (speaking generally) to become complete, to be what he actually should be, to be content, to live the greater part of his life with. But why is it so. What do we need to always feel the desire to have someone in our lives
(*Now I Change the tone to a more appealing effect*} Why cant I be alone? Even though I can buy myself whatever I need, enjoy in whatever way I want, why cant I find happiness until I have known you, or have you to share it with? Why cant I do without your phone call, when I am alone in a very scenic and serene place? Why cant I resist a moment in telling you when I achieve something big? Why cant I do without having you beside me before sleep? Why cant I be happy without the morning coffee without you.

Would it not have been better if there never was a need to have a concept like "you"?

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